Ginger Root Tea

Ginger Root Tea

Ginger Root, a popular home remedy with a plethora of uses, is considered to be the healthiest spice in the world. As a tea, this herb boasts a sharp, spicy flavor that is nice and warming to the throat. High in the compound gingerol, this spice has been used in alternative medicine for thousands of years. Gingerol's existence in ginger root is so important as it responsible for this herb's medicinal qualities that we are so familiar with. Gingerol contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can aid in treatment of joint pain, menstrual cramping, nausea, digestive discomfort and gas, and can also support a healthy immune system! 

Ginger & Digestion

Lets talk about Ginger Root's effectiveness for nausea. Ginger is often marketed as a natural way to calm an upset stomach often resulting from motion sickness, morning sickness, food poisoning, chemotherapy, migraines and certain use of medications. In fact, it's ability to alleviate nausea and vomiting is it's best supported use. Some research indicates that this herbal root can be just as effective as some anti-nausea medications with way fewer side effects. 

To encourage a healthy digestive system, try a cup of ginger tea after a meal. Our new friend Gingerol is also responsible for speeding up the rate at which food exits the stomach and continues through the digestive system. Ensuring that food doesn't linger in the belly can reduce bouts of sickness, nausea, gas and bloating. 

Side Effects

There are tons of informational sources that show ginger root is safe to use for many conditions. However, side effects can be present under certain conditions. Here is some information to consider when consuming ginger root. 

Some people may experience side effects like heartburn, gas, diarrhea, or stomach pain after consuming ginger root, but this depends on the individual, dosage, and frequency of use. Pregnant women should avoid using ginger root as a supplement, especially if there is a history of miscarriage or clotting disorders as it could make bleeding worse. It's important to be precautious when combining ginger root with blooding thinning medications as it may increase risking of bleeding.

Happy Sipping! 

-Palm Beach Herbal Tea Company

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